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07.02.2025 - 18:45 Uhr | Escorts durch Agenturen vermittelt

Sandra Brand

Anzeige vom: : 29-01-2025 03:19:32
Name: Sandra Brand
Telefon: +49-174-331 2656
Homepage: Webseite besuchen
Sandra Brand Region: Bayern
Ort : München

Sandra’s innocent schoolgirl look is part of her fine art of seduction. The 165 centimeters tall Sandra, who weighs in at 54 kilos, is a really charming student who has mastered the flirty glance that will make men and women alike fall at her feet.

You would like to get to know the sensitive and tender side of her? Or would you just like to have a look and see what more a meeting with her could turn into? Or you have very specific erotic ideas? Whatever is going on in your head, Lana will know it, adapt it, and send you home happy.

Of course, you only have to go home if you really want to. And that will be hard when you are with Lana, that much should be clear to you in advance. Lana’s kisses, her foot fetish, her preference for men and women and her openness will bar your way home. Merely Lana’s bust of 75D will captivate you and her French caresses will blow your mind. There is a serious danger that you might get addicted!

Kontaktinformationen zu dieser Anzeige
Name: Sandra Brand
Telefon: +49-174-331 2656
Homepage: Webseite besuchen

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